Make this Miraculous Calcium Rich Soil Amendment in 2-Minutes For Plants - Breaking News
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Make this Miraculous Calcium Rich Soil Amendment in 2-Minutes For Plants

Make this Easiest Calcium Soil Amendment in just 2 minutes for your houseplants, tomatoes, and peppers. The ingredient is probably in your wastebasket! Do you know that the secret of Making the Miraculous Soil Amendment is super easy and it lies in your kitchen wastebasket? Surprised? Read ahead to discover more!

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency in Plants.: When it comes to plant growth, calcium plays an important role in the development of cell walls and cell membranes. Deficiency of it can cause discoloration, deformation, and curling of leaves.

It also results in the cracking of fruits in apples, tomatoes, and cherries. Lack of calcium also reduces root growth and promotes stunted growth.

Quick Calcium-Rich Soil Amendment 

The cheapest and the most organic way to fix this issue is to use eggshells! Yes, the ones you throw away! They are rich in calcium carbonate (37%), which is an essential element required for a plant’s growth.

  • All you have to do is grind 6-8 eggshells in a grinder and make a fine powder.
  • Simply add it to the growing medium by mixing it well in the soil and you are done!
  • Do this especially while growing tomato family plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and eggplants as it protects the plant against blossom end rot that generally occurs due to lack of calcium.




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