Stop Buying Avocados Here’s How You Can Grow an Avocado Tree in a Small Pot at Home - Breaking News
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Stop Buying Avocados Here’s How You Can Grow an Avocado Tree in a Small Pot at Home

Avocado is one of the recent staples of modern healthy eating. The delicious bowl of guacamole could be your next favorite snack, and you won’t feel guilty about the presence of this healthy fruit.

The many benefits of avocados have won over the health-conscious community. This fruit is rich in essential vitamins like vitamins B5, B6, C, K, E, potassium, etc. Avocados are also a great source of fiber and are said to have a heart-healthy fatty acid similar to that found in olive oil.

Due to their versatility in the kitchen, the popularity of avocados has continued to rise. They can easily be included in all dishes to enrich the color or to replace a less healthy option without changing the flavor of the food. We explain how to grow your own avocados in a few simple steps, without the need for a large garden.

1. Sprout the avocado bone

Take your avocado seed and stick three toothpicks into it. Make sure they are placed roughly in the middle and equally spaced. The toothpicks must be solid and identical because they will allow the core to remain suspended.

Next, place the avocado pit in a cup of water, so that its round end is soaked in 2 cm of water. Use the toothpicks as shown in the image above.

Let the pits soak for two to six weeks in a warm place out of direct sunlight. During this time you should see the roots and stem grow. When the stem is 15 cm long, cut it to 7 cm. Let the roots thicken and the leaves grow.

2. It’s time to plant

Fill a 25 cm diameter pot with nutrient-rich soil. Plant the grain in a small hole made in the center of the pool, making sure its roots are in the soil and half of the grain is uncovered. For good drainage, you can use a clay pot with a hole in the bottom.

Keep the soil moist without over-saturating it, making sure to water your stones generously and regularly. If the leaves start to turn yellow or wilt, allow the hole to dry out for a while, then continue watering in smaller amounts.

If the leaves turn brown and dry out, you probably aren’t watering your avocado enough. Place the pot in a container and water it until it is full, then leave it that way for at least 1/4 hour, to ensure your plant is completely drained.

3. Enjoy your own avocado tree!

You did it! Keep watering your avocado tree, and you should notice the fruit starting to form, although it will take time.

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see Stop Buying Avocados Here’s How You Can Grow an Avocado Tree in a Small Pot at Home.


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